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Minnesota – Canada – Dakota Fall trip 2019

15 minutes to Minneapolis Jewish Cemetery 7032 Penn Ave S, Richfield, MN 55423

Abigail Van Buren ORIGINAL NAME          Pauline Esther Phillips  near Abby advice column.

8 minutes Adath-Yeshurun Cemetery, 5605 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55410  
Bebe Barron

ORIGINAL NAME              Charlotte May Wind

Isadore “Kid Cann” Blumenfeld

17 minutes to  Minneapolis skyline photo from
Lake Calhoun 44.935853, -93.315540


7 minutes to Lakewood Cemetery

Franklin Clarence Mars  44.9332439,-93.2951192

Forrest Edward Mars, Sr – 44.9332419,-93.2951268

Charles Alfred Pillsbury  – 44.9365474,-93.3030907

Curtis Leroy “Curt” Carlson – 44.9308516,-93.2959434

Tiny Tim  ORIGINAL NAME           Herbert Buckingham Khaury Memorial Mausoleum Room 117 Tier 2 Crypt F


23 minutes to Minnehaha Falls  – 4801 S Minnehaha Dr, Minneapolis, MN 55417


25 minutes to Minnesota State Capitol  75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155


3.5 hours to Hill of Three Waters or Triple Divide – Hibbing, MN 47.447299, -92.945368

401 Penobscot Rd
Hibbing, MN USA


Minnesota’s Triple Divide is located just to the north of this point. Here the Northern Divide intersects the St. Lawrence Seaway Divide. From this point, water flows in three directions, north to Hudson Bay, south to the Gulf of Mexico, and east to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 


Maybe 30 minutes to 47.577345, -92.543699 Laurentian Divide Geological Marker, Virginia, MN 55792  top of the Laurentian Divide separating the continental watersheds. Water flowing east drains to the Atlantic Ocean, north to the Artic Ocean, or south to the Gulf of Mexico.


2 hours to Paul Bunyan’s Grave – 47.939891, -94.448199


Or skip grave and 2.5 hours to MS Headwaters


1.5 hours to Mary Gibbs Mississippi Headwaters Center:

Visit the Mary Gibbs Mississippi Headwaters Center. Outdoor interpretive displays on the plaza are available for viewing year-round. Be sure to take the short walk to the Headwaters of the Mississippi River, which offers visitors a glimpse of this historic location. The Headwaters Café is a cafeteria-style restaurant located in the Mary Gibbs Mississippi Headwaters Center.

Mississippi Headwaters Visitor Park

Shevlin, MN 56676

47.240279, -95.211387 

GPS device users: Lat. 47.194648 Long. -95.165012


David Reimer grave 49.8246078,-97.1412048


Saskatchewan sign – 50.0588476,-101.4472069


Turn around for Manitoba Sign if needed 50.053236, -101.435837


Manitoba Legislative Building  450 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1S4, Canada


Louis P. Slotin – 49.9446944,-97.1140444


6.5 hours to Saskatchewan Legislative Building, 2405 Legislative Dr, Regina, SK S4S 0B3, Canada


8 hours to Montana / South Dakota / Wyoming triple point 44.997391, -104.057674  road at MT / SD is 44.997391, -104.057674 and walk from there.


1.25 hours to Mount Moriah Cemetery  open 8-6  10 Mt Moriah Dr, Deadwood, SD 57732


1 hour to Mount Rushmore National Memorial, 13000 SD-244, Keystone, SD 57751


1 hour to Wind Cave National Park Visitor Center  8am to 6pm 26611 US-385, Hot Springs, SD 57747


On way White River Visitor Center Badlands 43.511400, -102.496389 1.5 hours from Wind Cave


2.5 hours to The North American pole of inaccessibility is located at  43°22′N 101°58′W, about eleven miles (18 km) southeast of the town of Kyle on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Bennett County, South Dakota, 1,025 miles (1,650 km) from the nearest coastline.

43°21’36.0″N 101°58’12.0″W

43.360000, -101.970000



The pole is unmarked, but can be found in a gully near a small copse of trees. The spot sits over 1,000 miles from the nearest coast, making it literally the most Middle American place in Middle America. The land where the pole is found is owned by the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, but there is no one living within a few miles of the pole itself.


Maybe 1.5 hours to 43.142115, -100.900711 – 


Then 44 minutes to Runza  527 East, Hwy 20, Valentine, NE 69201




Badlands National Park


Then 1 hour 45 minutes to Badlands National Park sign – 43.790915, -101.904665


Ben Reifel Visitor Center – 25216 SD-240, Interior, SD 57750


1.75 hours to South Dakota State Capital

500 E Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501


2 hours to Sitting Bulls Grave  45.517182, -100.486229


Grave of Sacajawea Charbonneau –  nearby  (1 hour to other sitting bull burial site in ND)


2.5 hours from Capital building or 4 hours from Sitting Bull to De Smet Cemetery 44.367734, -97.571675

Charles Phillip Ingalls

Most of Laura Ingalls family


2 hours to Tri-State Iron Post Historical Marker  26799 488th Ave, Valley Springs, SD 57068  43.500533, -96.453363  SD – MN – IA

1 hour to highest point in Iowa – Hawkeye point –  43.460209, -95.709185


3.25 hours to Continental Divide Historical Marker  Hudson bay – MS divide  45.598494, -96.848741 and nearby 45.606267, -96.857700


45 minutes to SD – ND – MN triple point 45.935287, -96.563698


1.5 hours to The Palmer House  – 500 Sinclair Lewis Ave, Sauk Centre, MN 56378


If time allows – Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Headquarters 415 Washington Ave, Bayfield, WI 54814 and Lake of the Clouds Overlook


Prince – Paisley Park – 7801 Audubon Rd, Chanhassen, MN 55317

Urn on public display in the studio atrium 


Mall of America 60 E Broadway, Bloomington, MN 55425


Jay Catherwood Hormel – 43.6832083,-92.9792944


Nopeming Sanatorium – 2650 Nopeming Rd, Duluth, MN 55810